Acquisition Procedure


Pre-requisites for acquiring animals:

University of California San Francisco Policy:

  • All UCSF laboratory animals must be purchased, imported, exported or transferred between UCSF facilities through the EVC&P’s Business Service Center.


You must have:

  • An active Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocol for the species.
  • A purchase billing code tied to a funding source: Fund-DeptID-Project-Function or SpeedType. For billing codes email [email protected].
  • Previously approved space for housing animals.
    • Name of protocol holder
    • Department
    • Name of grant holder
    • Spped type or Chart of Account
    • Name of billing contract
  • Approved space for housing animals.


Purchasing Animals from Approved Vendors:

  • To acquire animals from an approved vendor please submit an Approved Vendor Purchase Request through RIO. Incomplete forms will result in processing delay.

Please note orders MUST be submitted with a minimum of 2 business days prior to your desired delivery date.

  • To acquire rodents from sources other than approved vendors please refer to Importing Rodents to UCSF
  • Please refer to the Animal Ordering Schedule Section listed below.
  • The EVC&P’s Business Service Center will notify the requester of any issues (e.g. inability of the vendor to fulfill the request) as soon as they are aware of them.
  • These animals are appropriate for direct entry to the housing area and will be taken to the space designated for the PI.
  • Within 2 days of arrival, please check on your animals and report any discrepancy to the EVC&P's Business Service Center ([email protected]) or contact a rodent vet nurse ([email protected]). Examples of discrepancies include: incorrect gender, incorrect age, incorrect gestation, injuries, illness and deceased animals.

For questions regarding availability of specific species and/or strain, approved vendors and pricing, freight and related costs or other purchasing-related inquiries, email [email protected].


Changes and Cancellations

Changes and cancellations to existing requests must be directed to the EVC&P’s Business Service Center in writing by 9:00 a.m. of the day before the ship date (not the arrival date). You may e-mail changes to [email protected]. Please note that emergency or rush shipments may incur substantial additional freight costs.



Animal Ordering Schedules:

Local Commercial Vendors: orders must be placed at least 48 hours before the desired arrived date. Orders from all vendors are subject to weather and/or airline delays for animals not stocked locally.

Contact the EVC&P’s Business Service Center for information and schedules on ordering sheep and primates.


Charles River (Rats, Mice, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, SPF Rabbits, and Gerbils)

Charles River Catalog (click here)

Charles River Website (click here)


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Mon, Tues

Following Thursday (Mice, Rats) from Holister facility

9:00 a.m. Wed, Thurs

Following  Monday (Mice, Rats) from Hollister facility

9:00 a.m. Friday

Following Tuesday (Mice, Rats) from Hollister facility

9:00 a.m. Thursday

Following Tuesday from East Coast/Canada facilities (Rats, Mice, Hamsters, Gunea Pigs, SPF Rabbits, and Gerbits)



The Jackson Laboratory (Mice)

Jax Mice Website (click here)

Jax Catalog (click here)

Jax Notice 2025 Price Adjustments (click here)



Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Monday

Following Wednesday (West Coast Facility)

9:00 a.m. Tuesday

Following Thursday (West Coast Facility)

9:00 a.m. Friday

Following Tuesday (West Coast Facility)

9:00 a.m. Thursday

Following Tuesday (East Coast Facility). Ground service truck freight rates comparable to conventional air freight courier.


Taconic (Mice, Rats)

Taconic Website (click here)

Taconic Catalog (click here)

Special offers from Taconic for UCSF mouse users. To find out more click here


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Thursday

Following Tuesday from East Coast


Envigo/Inotiv (Mice, Rats, Hamster)

Envigo Website (click here)                Envigo UCSF discounts (click here)

Envigo Catalog (click here)


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Mon, Tues

Following Thursday (Mice, Rats) from West Coast Facility

9:00 a.m. Wed, Thurs

Following Monday (Mice, Rats) from West Coast Facility

9:00 a.m. Friday

Following Tuesday (Mice, Rats) from West Coast Facility

9:00 a.m. Wednesday

Following Tuesday (Mice, Rats, Hamsters, Rabbits) from East Coast facility


National Cancer Institute (NCI) at CRV (Mice, Rats). NIH grant required for purchase.

NIH Grantee Price List (click here)


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Thursday

Following Tuesday


Western Oregon Rabbit Company (S.P.F. New Zealand Rabbits and Dutch Belted Rabbits)


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Tuesday (1 week in advance)

Wednesday of the next week


Marshall Farms (Beagle and Mongrel, Ferrets)


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Wednesday

Following Tuesday by air


Pork Power Farms (Domestic Farm Pigs and Yucatan Mini-Swine)


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Tuesday



Xenopus 1 (Xenopus laevis; Frogs and Tadpoles)


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Friday

Following Tuesday / Wednesday by air


Charles Sullivan Company (Salamanders, Bullfrogs, Tadpoles and Mudpuppies)


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Friday

Following Tuesday / Wednesday by air


S&S Farms/Premier BioSource (Domestic Farm Pigs and Yucatan Mini-Swine)


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Wednesday (1 week in advance)

Thursday of the next week


National Institute of Age, NIA (Mice, Rats)

NIA website (click here) *** Need to provide grant number and grant title***


Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

9:00 a.m. Monday

Following Tuesday



MMRRC website (click here)


Elm Hills (Guinea Pigs)

Orders placed before:

Estimated earliest arrival:

Tuesday AM

Following Tuesday (1 week)