Exporting Rodents



 Please complete an export request form through RIO 





Summary of Export Procedure:

- Complete an Export Request through RIO

  • Domestic: It is recommended you submit your request at least 2 weeks prior to your desired ship date.
  • International: It is recommended you submit your request at least 4 weeks prior to your desired ship date.
  •       Make sure the form is filled out completely to avoid processing delay.
  •       The receiving institution should provide you with their contact information to complete the request form.

 After receipt of a properly completed request, the LARC shipping coordinator will contact the receiving institution to inform them of the proposed export from UCSF.


Some receiving institutions will request additional information:

  •    The rodent shipment team will provide this information if available.
  •    If additional testing is requested, the UCSF lab exporting the mice must approve the tests and will be recharged for the testing fees, technician time, and sample shipping costs.
  •    The rodent shipment team will coordinate these tests. 

All requests are handled in the order in which they are received.

  •    International exports usually require paperwork and authorizations from outside UCSF (i.e., authorization from a State or Federal-USDA official). This will involve additional time.
  •    Please plan your exports accordingly.


Procedure for Exporting Rodents From UCSF:

 Complete Export Request via RIO.

When approval from the receiving institution has been received, the LARC shipping coordinator will notify the UCSF lab.

  •    The UCSF lab will need to tag the cages with RIO-generated export number. Contact LARC supervisor or manager for label locations.
  •    The LARC shipping coordinator will order shipping supplies. The cost of the supplies will be recharged to the shipping lab.
  •    The LARC shipping coordinator will coordinate a ship date with the courier and notify the shipping lab of shipment date and provide packing guidelines via email. 
  •    The UCSF lab is responsible for the actual packing of the mice and bringing the animals to the LARC receiving/shipping area (campus specific) between 7:30am and 9:30am on the morning of shipment. 
  •    The following couriers are used by UCSF: Validated Delivery Solutions, World Courier, Optimize, and BioTrans Logistics. The receiving Institution may indicate a preference for a courier.
  •    The cost of shipping will be recharged to the shipping lab, unless the receiving institution has provided you with a courier account in advance. 


Special Notes Regarding International Exports

  •     You may provide any additional forms that are produced and required by foreign countries.
  •     ALL countries require direct inspection of the animals by a veterinarian. Rodent Shipment will coordinate this exam, but scheduling may affect the timing of your shipment. Please plan accordingly.
  •     International exports usually require paperwork and authorizations from outside UCSF (i.e. authorization from a State or Federal-USDA official). This will require additional time.
  •     Executed paperwork and documents will be provided to you by LARC shipping coordinator. They MUST accompany the mice at courier pick-up to avoid shipment delay.


Summary of Lab Responsibilities for Animal Export:

  • Completing RIO export request form.
  • Tagging the cages for export.
  • Lab members need to pack the animals and bring to LARC shipping/receiving area (campus specific) between 7:30am and 9:30am on the scheduled ship date. 


For any questions or concerns please email RodentShipment@ucsf.edu.