- Sentinels are used as a monitoring tools to test each room for infectious agents that may impact the health of the rodents as well as impacting the experimental studies.
- At cage change, one spoonful of bedding from every cage is collected into a separate cage which houses the sentinel mouse or rat.
- LARC provides at least one sentinel for every rack.
- Sentinel Mice Information: CD1 mice, 5-6 weeks of age, usually females
- Sentinel Rat Information: Sprague Dawley rats, 5-6 weeks of age, usually females
- LARC veterinary staff can vary the sex or strains of sentinel animals at any time.
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Testing and Parasitology
- Quarterly serology, fecal and pelt swab samples are collected from sentinel animals and sent to a diagnostic lab for parasitology testing.
- Sentinels are euthanized for blood collection for murine virus and Mycoplasma titers.
- PCR (fecal and pelt swabs) are collected to tested for furmite and pinworms.
- Sentinels are not routinely tested for Helicobacter spp., Pasteurella pneumotropica or other bacterial agents.
- The serology is tested for the following:
- RCV/SDAv (rat)
- MHV (mouse)
- Ectromelia (mouse)
- Sendai (mouse, rat)
- MPV (mouse)
- RPV (rat)
- MVM (mouse)
- TMEV (mouse, rat)
- Mycoplasma pulmonis (mouse, rat)
- PVM (mouse, rat)
- EDIM (mouse)
- LARC veterinarians may alter the agents sentinels are tested for at their discretion
For questions about LARC’s sentinel program for murine colony health contact: [email protected]